Weekend Fun – Kill All Productivity with Free Tower Defense Games

December 19, 2008 - Reading time: 3 minutes

If you had any thoughts of entertaining productivity this weekend, kick them to the curb with these two amazingly addictive, flash-based Tower Defense games.

Bloons Tower Defense 3

You’re a monkey. No, wait, you just control a bunch of monkeys. No, wait, you control a bunch of monkeys, cannons, spike shooters, frost towers, and an assortment of other wacky tools in a desperate attempt to pop balloons (or bloons). Lots of them. MILLIONS of them.

There are eight different tracks and three difficulty levels. Can you survive to round 50? If you do, you can continue on in free-play mode until you run out of lives.

I made it to round 61 in this screenshot, but got it handed to me soon after that.

One word of warning – beware the MOAB (Massive Ornery Air Blimp).

Play Bloons Tower Defense 3. Crave more? Try your hand at the previous version 1 and 2.

Desktop Tower Defense

DTD is without a doubt one of the most addicting free games ever created. You’ve probably heard of it by now. Perhaps you’ve even played it once, twice, or 500 times. Play it again. Just one more time….

All you have to do is build a maze to prevent the creeps from making it to the other side. Much easier said than done, I assure you, especially in Hard Mode.

Have fun killing your productivity this weekend!

Play Desktop Tower Defense


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